Terms and Policy:
URSU strives to provide members and non-members with a secure location to store personal items on campus. This policy is meant to clearly define the chain of responsibility of the security, maintenance and usage of the lockers available for rental.
The University of Regina has delegated the administrative responsibility for lockers to URSU under and pursuant to a Memorandum of Agreement between the University and URSU.
The term "Renter" shall include all persons who obtain access to an URSU locker and the combination of the lock to which it is assigned; and have read, agreed and signed the URSU Locker Rental Policy.
The term "Rental Fee" shall refer to the non-refundable portion of the fee charged to anyone wishing to rent a locker from the URSU.
The term "Deposit" shall refer to the refundable portion of the fee charged to anyone wishing to rent a locker from the URSU.
Anything maintained in URSU or University of Regina space, including lockers, must be in accordance with the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, all University of Regina regulations, bylaws, and policies, all applicable municipal, provincial, and federal laws.
Any person wanting to rent a locker will be subject to the following procedures:
- Rental Fee and Deposit – The renter will be required to pay the rental fee and deposit (as will follow in the table) at the URSU front desk (RC221) by cash or debit only.
- Personal Information – A renter must provide his or her name, phone number, e-mail address, and student/faculty/employee number in order to obtain access to a locker.
- Locker Assignment – the locker distributor will endeavour to get the renter a locker in his or her desired location, however, lockers will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis.
- Obtaining a Locker's Information – Once the fee and deposit have been paid, personal information recorded, the URSU Locker Policy Form signed, and a location chosen, the URSU Front Staff will send the Renter the lock combination number of the assigned locker through the email provided by the renter.
The renter shall be solely responsible for:
- The security of the locker, including, but not limited to, keeping the locker door closed and locked when not in use; not sharing the combination number with anyone; the storage of non-dangerous items; the storage of items that do not emit odours or secrete liquids.
- Any damages to the locker or the lock, regardless if caused by the renter or not; deposit will be fortified.
- Reporting any damage caused to the locker by third parties to Campus Security and, if required, an authorized law enforcement agency; Any items lost or stolen from the locker.
- Returning the lock to the URSU Office (RC 221) before deadline, in substantially the same condition as when it was originally provided to the Renter, as determined by URSU.
Winter |
April 18 |
Spring |
July 18 |
Summer |
August 18 |
Fall |
December 18 |
- Not posting any signage or other materials on the outside of lockers.
URSU maintains the right to allow Campus Security or an authorized law enforcement agency access to any locker, provided they have an appropriate documented incident report, including a reason for requiring access to the locker. URSU will make its best effort to ensure that the renter is present when access to the locker is obtained. An URSU representative must be present when a locker is accessed without the renter present. URSU will make its best effort to notify in advance that access to a locker is required. In the event that advance notification is not possible, URSU will notify the renter when Campus Security or an authorized law enforcement agency or URSU enters a locker without the renter present.
URSU maintains the right to remove and replace any lock, after sufficient warning, without the renter's consent if the renter has violated any of the points in this Policy or the URSU Locker Liability Release Form.
URSU is not responsible for any theft, loss, damage or harm to the lock, the locker, the locker contents, or the renter caused by the locks, lockers, locker contents or other people.
URSU will investigate any complaints about odours, seeping liquids, damage, dangerous goods, incorrect locks, brought to URSU's attention from other renters and other persons.
The deposit will only be refunded if:
The lock is returned to the URSU Front Desk by the mentioned date.
The lock and locker are in substantially the same condition as when it was originally provided to the renter, which includes removing all contents from the locker.
The renter who originally signed the Liability, Responsibility and Privacy Form is the one to return the lock to the URSU Front Desk (RC221).
There will be no refunds on locker fees.
URSU is not liable for any faulty locks. In the event that a lock proves faulty, return it to the URSU front desk and a replacement will be issued.
The rental lockers are encouraged to have the original attached lock, provided by URSU. If using a different lock, the original lock MUST be kept in the locker and returned on the mentioned date.
Lockers must be cleaned out on or before the given date.
Locks should be returned to the URSU Office (RC 221) by given date. If locks are left on lockers or removed and not returned to the URSU Office, the deposit is forfeited and becomes property of URSU.
If lockers are not emptied of their contents, the deposit will no longer be available to the renter for refund.
If lockers are not emptied of their contents, the contents will be bagged and stored by URSU for thirty (30) days. There will be a five dollar ($5) pick-up fee for the renter to retrieve their items.
URSU retains the right and discretion to delete, add or change any of the provisions of this policy from time to time as it sees fit and such deletions, additions or changes shall be binding upon the renter from the time the same are duly adopted by URSU.