Unearth the story of a pebble from it's origins 80 million years ago.
The pebbles at Thorndon Country Park have had a long and eventful history. We will be following the Pebble Walk waymarked trail, looking for evidence of the climate and environment of south Essex 450,000 years ago.
The Pebble Wall here is also evidence of the most recent glaciation of Britain 20,000 years ago. The story is seen in the deposits that the ice left on our landscape as it retreated. While we are there we will be giving the wall a small tidy up. A spade and trowel will be provided if you wish to help!
This visit is free to ERMS members. However, if you are not a member, there will be a small charge of £5, which will enrol you as a temporary member.
Please note that no refund is given if you are unable to attend.