Members are always welcome / expected to join us as we work along with our new members as they begin their journey as members of the Order of the Arrow. To learn more about our role as Arrowmen in the Inductions Process, please follow this link to learn about the OA's Induction Principles.
Please choose the ordeal you would like to attend and come ready to work. Brotherhood counseling will be offered at each Induction Weekend. Those of you would like to serve as an Elangomat please select below.
PLEASE NOTE: The February Ordeal at Camp Westmoreland is NOT covered under the Lodge's annual Event Pass.
All members are required to bring to camp with them Parts A & B of the BSA's Medical Form. This form can be found at the link below, or on the Council's website at
BSA Medical Forms
+++Registration CLOSES at 7pm on the Sunday night prior to the start of the Induction Weekend!