Thank you for supporting Global Missions and our UPCI missionaries. As you know, Global Missions is the department of UPCI that oversees the appointment, placement and deputations of missionaries. I have been appointed to oversee the Alabama portion of UPCI Global Missions. I look forward to working with each of you in the furtherment of this ministry.
As a body of Christ, our Vision for Global missions is to get them back on the field as quickly as possible. It is my desire to make the missionaries experience in Alabama a productive one. As a pastor, I know how important planning for the year can be and for this reason, I am making the schedule of our 2025 incoming missionaries available. Each of the eight sections within our district have a representative that will aid the scheduling process. Please prayerfully consider the scheduling of a service or hosting of a missionary that will be in your section and contact your Alabama Global Missions Sectional Representative.
The Alabama District is situated in the heart of the most missions minded portion of the United States. We have done tremendously well over the years, but I believe there are untapped resources of blessings for both our churches and missionaries. I believe that God is going to use these resources in these last days!
In His and your service,
Rev. Bruce Johnson
Alabama Global Missions Director
Please complete the following form to schedule the missionaries that you would like to have in 2025.