BUBBAs Submission - Resilient/Renewed: Green Infrastructure, Stormwater Controls, & Retrofits
Project Information
Project Title
Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Contact Email
Project Location (as much information as you're able)
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Project Team
Insert the names/organizations/companies of all those involved in your project
Project Narrative
Please submit a ~250 word narrative of your project giving an overview of the context and goals, successes and challenges, an overall description, and how your project goes “above and beyond”. Allow your narrative to tell the judges the story of what makes you proud of your work, and what may lead other stormwater professionals to reach out to you to talk about how they could replicate your successes. Please see the contest packet for more details on what we are looking for in an outstanding project description.
Project Narrative
Category Questions - Resilient/Renewed: Green Infrastructure, Stormwater Controls, & Retrofits
Describe any metrics that are worth highlighting, such as runoff volume treated, drainage area, amount of impervious cover, cost/cost-savings, or estimate of pollutant load.
Tell us about any co-benefits of the project such as increased urban tree canopy, public art, ease of pedestrian movement, habitat creation, etc.
Describe the long-term maintenance goals of this project. Is there involvement with the local community?
Were there any new or innovative engineering approaches used? What about project transferability?
Describe the process of choosing of the project design, challenges/constraints, and anything else you would like to highlight.
Photo Uploads
A minimum of 4 photographs are required for consideration of an award. This includes at least one of the site before the BMP was installed. All photograph submittals should be in jpeg/jpg/png format and of a reasonable file size (zip files are also accepted for larger files). Please label photos as "InsertProjectTitle_Photo#". For instance "CSN_1" "CSN_2". Under the file upload area, please insert a brief caption for each photo, matching their file name, explaining the context of the photo.
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Photo names with captions. If any specific photography credit is needed, please include it here.
Photography disclaimer
By submitting your photos, all photographs will become property of CSN, who has the right to use them as long the authors are attributed with citation provided in the contest entry form. If there are photos submitted that you DO NOT want CSN to use (for example, you didn't get waivers from volunteers, or includes sensitive information), feel free to submit and just let us know in the caption above.
Supplemental materials (optional)
Participants have the option to submit additional photos and design plans that show practice design details that will be helpful for reviewing more detailed elements of the project. Please submit large files or multiple files as a zipped folder, with files labeled clearly. All supporting materials will become property of CSN and will not be returned.
Supplemental materials upload
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End of submission form
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