Sense of Arrival: Public Art Proposals – Submission Form
The St. John’s International Airport invites applications from professional artists or artist teams to create public artwork(s) for the proposed redevelopment of the airport’s parking lot expansion. There are 3 sites for outdoor public artworks, which will contribute to the Airport’s Sense of Arrival initiative. Completion and installation of the artworks are expected to coincide with the opening of the new parking lot in July 2025.
Submission Instructions:
Thank you for your interest in applying for the Sense of Arrival: Parking Lot Revitalization Public Art Opportunities. Please provide the following information and complete your application by uploading all application materials as a single PDF. For questions, please contact Incomplete submissions or submissions received after the deadline will not be juried.
The St. John's International Airport reserves the right not to award one or all of these opportunities, in the absence of submission(s) that meet all project criteria, as agreed upon by the multi-disciplinary selection committee.
Applicant Information – Primary Contact
Submitted by: (Full Name)
Full name
E-mail Address
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
include street address, city, province and postal code
Link to Website (optional)
Links to Social Media (optional)
Are you applying as an:
Artist Team
Are you connected to any St. John's International Airport Authority staff? If so, briefly describe the nature of your relationship.
Applicant Information – Artist Teams
If applying as a team, please provide the full name(s), email contact and a link to their website (if applicable) for each member of the team:
Project Information
Which site are you applying for?
Site 1: Exit Plaza
Site 2: Airport Terminal Building/Short-Term Parking
Site 3: Short-Term Exit
Is this proposal part of a multi-site concept?
Project title or working title:
Brief project summary (150 words max):
PDF Application Package
Upload you complete application as a single PDF here. Please include YOUR NAME in the file name.
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Max. file size: 10 MB. Accepted file type: PDF
Anonymous Survey Information
Fill our the anonymous submission survey at
Upload a screenshot of the anonymous self identification survey completion page here. Do not include any personal information.
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