Information about 2025 Spring Break Camp is below. Please contact for translation.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous des informations sur le camp de relâche de printemps 2025. Veuillez contacter pour la traduction
以下是有關您孩子2025春假夏令營的重要訊息 – 如需要中文翻譯的協助,歡迎電郵致。
以下是有关您孩子2025春假夏令营的重要信息 – 如需要中文翻译的协助,欢迎电邮至。
Sing & Dance Sampler: Jazz Funk. Hip Hop. KPOP. Stretch & Strength. Play.
- WEEK 1: March 17-21, 2025
- WEEK 2: March 24-28, 2025
Families can choose from these options for Week 1 and/or Week 2:
Curriculum will be different between same-subject sessions; we welcome repeat campers!
- Half day camp (AM or PM Camp)
- AM Camp with before camp care
- PM Camp with after camp care
- Full Day Camp = AM Camp + PM Camp (with before / after camp care options)
You will be contacted for payment after submitting the registration. There are two (2) payment options:
- E-transfer:
- Credit Card payments are subject to a $10 administration fee