We, the residents of Tellico Village, do hereby petition the Tellico Village POA Board, and request reconsideration, to the Concrete Wastewater Storage Tank being proposed adjacent to the Tellico Parkway, Hwy 444, in the Chota Shores Community near the pump station located off Sequoyah Rd. & adjacent to Tellico Lake.
This proposed tank would not only cause irreparable harm to the beauty of our community, but also pose a significant risk to our beautiful lake if erosion and/or leakage should happen to the tank itself. This could result in significant fines from the TVA/EPA for pollution into the lake, thus creating greater expense to the POA residents. In addition, the tank has the risk of possible erosion of the surrounding lands, potential to degrade and significantly decrease property values, as well as the significant possibility of dealing with persistent stench/malordor coming from the tank itself to our residential area. Furthermore, we believe there are more desirable locations to place such a tank (away from the lake and residential homes) as well as other alternatives already proposed in place of a storage tank resulting in lesser expense to the Village.