Glimmer Garden Artist Residency
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Artist Name
best method of contact
DM (instagram, facebook)
Social Media (enter all that apply)
What are you top reasons for applying for this residency?
free rehearsal space
regular guranteed stage time
the opportunity to build my craft
learning how to work in a collective effort
need to make money
i've been wanting to lend my skills to a team
Description of your submission:
include size, materials, name & short statement
base price:
what is the lowerst amount you would accept for this artwork?
Submission photo 1:
Upload a File
Drag and drop files here
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Accepted file formats: GIF, JPG and PNG
Description of your submission (2):
include size, materials, name & short statement
base price:
what is the lowerst amount you would accept for this artwork?
submission photo 2:
Upload a File
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Accepted file formats: GIF, JPG and PNG
Description of your submission(3):
include size, materials, name & short statement
base price:
what is the lowerst amount you would accept for this artwork?
Submission Photo 3:
Upload a File
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Accepted file formats: GIF, JPG and PNG
Artist Bio:
150 words or less
Artist photo:
Upload a File
Drag and drop files here
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Accepted file formats: GIF, JPG and PNG
Artist statement:
150 words or less
All work submitted must be completely dry and have no foul toxic odors (ex: Paintings done in oil or similar mediums that can take a while to dry will not be accepted because they can be easily damaged and also damage other works of art in the gallery.). All work must be matted or framed. All work must be "ready to hang": Work must be fitted with the proper wires, command strips and/or hanging equipment needed to hang the artwork. No art can be removed from the wall, including art that has been sold, until the conclusion of the show (Jan 1, 2025).
yes, I agree
no, i do not agree
Artist/Exhibitor grants permission for C.Joi Sanchez/RBJ GAG to reproduce his/her name, information describing his/her work, representations of his/her work and any other information he/she has provided for the purpose of display, promotion and publicity either now or in the future. Artist/Exhibitor agrees to display, pack, transport and provide for the return of his/her artwork at his/her own risk and expense. If Artist/Exhibitor is not available on-site to display, re-pack or re-transport his/her work, he/she gives permission to C.Joi Sanchez/RBJ GAG to do so on his/her behalf at his/her own risk and expense. Release of Liability: C.Joi Sanchez/RBJ GAG shall not be liable for any damage or loss to Artist/Exhibitor, work, equipment or other personal property arising out of the above exhibitions/displays, the mounting and/or any other activities involved in the preparation and/or presentation of the exhibitions/displays. Artist/Exhibitor agrees to assume all risk of damage to or loss of his/her own art from whatever cause. Artist/Exhibitor further agrees to release and to hold harmless C.Joi Sanchez/RBJ GAG its officers, directors, employees, volunteers and agents from any and all liabilities and damages to art work and/or persons as a result of any part of Artist’s/Exhibitor's participation in the Exhibit. Indemnification: Artist/Exhibitor shall indemnify, save and hold harmless C.Joi Sanchez/RBJ GAG , its officers, directors, employees, volunteers and agents and the participating exhibition venues from any and all claims, demands, causes of action and judgments, losses, costs and expenses, including but not limited to reasonable attorney’s fees, arising due to the negligence of Artist/Exhibitor, their employees, agents or other personnel hereunder, including but not limited to any representation, warranty, term and/or condition of this Agreement. Insurance: Artist/Exhibitor shall be solely and exclusively responsible to insure properly and adequately their work and property. Assignment: Neither Party shall assign to transfer any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement and any attempt to do so shall be void and of no effect. Waiver and Effective Nullity: Waiver by either party of any provision of this Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any provision by such party at any time hereafter. The nullity of any provision hereunder shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions hereunder of the Agreement, which shall survive.
yes, I agree
no, i do not agree
Artist agrees to drop off work on designated date of 12/20/2024 with C.Joi Sanchez/RBJ GAG or make alternate arrangements BEFORE 12/20. Artist agrees to pick up any unsold art on Jan 3rd, 2024 at designated location
yes, I agree
no, i do not agree
Artist agrees to pay submission fee of $50 for accepted art work via Venmo (@TheNotoriousRBJ), CashApp ($TheNotoriousRBJ) or ApplePay on or before Dec 20th, 2024
yes, I agree
no, i do not agree
Additional Comments/Questions:
If you have additional questions or comments, let us know here.
By signing below, artist agrees to all terms and conditions of submission.
Should be Empty: