I wish to enter the ISORA Race(s) 2025. The details as provided are correct.
To the best of my knowledge the information I have given is accurate. I understand that Boat Racing can be dangerous. I agree that the ISORA, RAYC, organising clubs, other sponsors and their agents, have no responsibility for loss of life or injury to members or others, or for the loss of, or damage to any vessel or property. I have paid particular attention to and agree to be bound by Special Regulation 1.02 and I have read and understand and where appropriate agree to be bound by RORC General Condition 2 Responsibility. Before racing I will effect adequate and suitable insurance. Before racing I will ensure that my crew is aware of the undertaking in this Declaration, the importance of effecting appropriate personal insurance, their responsibility in rules observance, and in particular RRS 1.2 (wearing personal buoyancy adequate for the conditions).
I agree to be bound by RRS 2021-24, IS Prescriptions, RYA Prescrptions, RORC General Conditions, ORC Special Regulations, ISORA Special Regulations, ISORA General Conditions and Sailing Instructions, and any other applicable rules imposed by race hosting clubs. The boat will be available for inspection. If any alteration likely to affect the handicap or rating is made, e.g. to sails, rig, mast, ballast, trim, engine or propeller, I will notify the Rating Authority and Race Committee immediately.
I will ensure that no crew member races on my boat contrary to the terms of any ban imposed by ISAF, or a National Authority or the RORC.
I/We have now read the RORC General Conditions for the Year and ORC Special Regulations and that my boat complies with Category 3 with ORC liferaft for cross channel and Category 3 for all other races , a valid IRC Certificate with a minimum SSS Base Number of 20.
I understand that it is my responsibility to familiarise myself with any risks specific to the venues of all ISORA events and specifically to the risks drawn to my attention in any rules and information produced for the venues or events and to attend any safety briefing held for the events.
I understand and agree that the information given in this form and also the race lists and results will be maintained on the Club’s computer to be used for all aspects of race organisation.
I accept that the participation of the above named boat in the ISORA Racing Programme is at my sole and exclusive risk in every respect. By this entry I hereby indemnify the Race Committee, ISORA, all the host Clubs, their officers, trustees, members, servants, agents and sponsors in respect of all claims and demands of whatever nature which may be made upon them in connection with or howsoever arising from participation or intended participation of the above named boat in the Championships, and I acknowledge that the Race Committee, ISORA, all the host Clubs, their officers, trustees, members, servants, agents and sponsors accept no responsibility in respect of loss of life, personal injury or loss or damage to property which I or any other person may sustain by participation or intended participation of the above named boat in the ISORA Racing Programme or howsoever arising in connection with the event.