Thank you for your interest in contributing to the CSTA teacher standards resource working groups. These working groups support the implementation of CSTA’s Standards for Computer Science Teachers (2020) across a variety of specific audiences. There are currently four working groups that work both independently and collaboratively to develop resources, lead professional learning, and otherwise disseminate the standards and supplementary resources:
- The Reflective Teachers team supports CS teachers in completing self-reflections aligned to the teacher standards, setting prioritized goals for professional learning, and identifying aligned professional learning. They have developed self-reflection tools and PD for teachers.
- The Administrators & Coaches team supports the educational leaders and instructional coaches who themselves support the ongoing professional growth of CS teachers. They have developed a CS Coaching Toolkit and PD for coaches/administrators.
- The Schools of Education team supports teams at institutions of higher learning to create or refine pre-service CS teacher education programs. They have developed a guidance toolkit for postsecondary schools of education and lead workshops to support development of new pre-service programs.
- The PD Providers team supports curriculum and professional development providers who work at scale. In particular, they guide a community of practice that meets virtually every quarter and in person once per year at the CSTA Annual Conference (PD Providers Summits). They have also created reflection tools and compiled resources to improve the quality of PD providers’ programs.
By completing this open interest form, you can share your ideas and feedback on our current projects. While we may accept new members on an as-needed basis, CSTA members are welcome to review the initiatives outlined and contribute their thoughts. Your input is invaluable in shaping the success of these efforts, and we look forward to your engagement in driving meaningful impact.