Below are additional questions and considerations to specific projects:
Healthy Eating - Break Room Change Up For Up to $700
Ask yourself: “What are the real barriers to eating healthy at your workplace?” Do you have a fridge, microwave, oven toaster, coffee/tea machine, storage space, plates, bowls, cutting board, silverware, knives, etc.?
· The grant does not cover food and beverage supplies (no consumables allowed).
· Past grantees spent over 3 hours on this grant project.
· Past grantees spent from $50 - $500 in addition to the award amount.
Healthy Eating - Giving Garden Up to $700
Where will the garden be? Do you have secured premises or security? Do you have permission from the property owner or management company? You will need to fill out the Land Use Verification document to verify permission.
· Plan how and who will be tending the garden. Do you have someone who is reliable and knowledgeable in gardening?
· Do you have a garden shed or designated space to store your tools and equipment?
· Do you have storage for your produce, have a pest management plan, and a plan for your harvested produce?
· Past grantees spent over 50 hours throughout the growing season on this project.
· Past grantees spent from $50 - $200 in addition to the award amount.
Lactation Support - Support Nursing Mothers Up to $900 OR Wellness Room Up to $400
· Plan a system that ensures nursing mothers have first priorities/reservation.
· Do you have subject expert matters part of the decision making? Example: a staff who is currently (or have previously) breastfed.
· Past grantees spent over 40 hours on this grant project.
· Past grantees spent from $50 - $1000 in addition to the award amount.
Physical Activity - Commuting Help Up to $1000
· Bike Rack: Where will you be installing your bike rack? Does it require a permit from the city? Do you have permission from the property owner or management company? You will need to fill out the Land Use Verification document to verify permission.
· Bike Rack: If installation requires a city permit you must obtain it within 30 days and notify SPAC once approved. SPAC will send the grant award after approval.
· Past grantees spent from $50 - $5,000 in addition to the award amount.
Physical Activity - Physical Activity Station Up to $600
· Determine a space to store your equipment and an area for activity.
· Plan a system that ensures easy check out and return.
· Physical activity equipment must be portable for the average person. Please research and check the dimensions before applying.
· Past grantees spent over 3 hours on this grant project.
· Past grantees spent from $50 - $200 in addition to the award amount.
Commercial-Tobacco Free Living - Smoking Cessation Signage Up to $300
· Determine a proper space for employees to express themselves outside
· Past grantees spent over 3 hours on this grant project
Friendly Reminder to Past Grantees:
If you are a past grantee, you cannot apply for the same project under the same category.
(Ex: If you were awarded for Breakroom Change Up last year you may not apply for Giving Garden because both are under Healthy Eating category.)
Below are examples of NON-ALLOWABLE expenses:
· Labor (plumbing, yoga instructor, chiropractor, installation, painters, movers, etc.)
· Permits
· Memberships: Gym, chamber, magazine, newspaper, etc.
· Water filter systems; coffee filters, Keurig
· Food, snack, salt, sugar, seasonings, and medicine.
· Fertilizer and pesticide
· Massage chairs
· High tech gadgets/electronics (TV, Ipad, tablet, computer, phones, fitbit, watches, breast pump)
Below are examples of ALLOWABLE expenses:
· Healthy eating – Break Room Change Up: microwave, microwave lids, toaster oven, fridge, storage shelf, can opener, utensils, plates, bowls, cups, cutting board, knives, coffee maker, table, stool, picnic blankets, pots and pans, food storage containers, white board/bulletin board, basic clock, and reusable table cloth.
· Healthy eating – Giving garden: seeds, soil, pots, garden shovel, wheelbarrow, garden gloves, storage shelf, organizers, produce bins, box planters, locks, binder (for record keeping).
· Lactation Support – Mother’s or Wellness room: lamp, armchair, ottoman, table, cleaning brush, storage units, organizers, rug, divider, blinds, pillows, mood lamps, mini fridge, sound machine, white board, bulletin board, blanket, and basic clock.
· Physical Activity Station: yoga mats, yoga balls, free weights, storage shelf, signage, jumping ropes, resistant bands, foam roller, and balance board.
· Physical Activity – Commuting Help: bike rack, bike toolbox or fix-a-station.