Positive Designations: These are donor designations to specified agencies, through both the UWADK Campaign and the State Employees Federated Appeal (SEFA). These designations are only avaialble to approved UWADK Partner Agencies, SEFA approved agencies or both, if applicable.
ALICE Funds: These funds are availble to UWADK Partner Agencies and other approved nonprofit agencies and are typically used on a case by case basis to help serve unmet needs for ALICE families by parterning to leverage resources. Uses are flexible and requests can typically by processed promptly.
Need Grants: These mini grants range from $500-$2500 and are typically used for start-up of new, innovative programs or other special unmet needs or circumstances/ These grants are open to UWADK Partner Agencies and other approved nonprofit organizations.
Community Impact Grants: These competitive grants will be made available only to UWADK Partner Agencies on an annual basis. Agencies will apply for these $10,000 grants during a specified window of opportunity and the number of grants made available will be determined by the funds that are available in the Community Impact Fund, at the conclusion of the campaign. Grants will be awarded based upon the quality of the proposal, prioritized needs in the region and the agnecy's ability to achieve the desired impact. Successful awards will be for the full amount and those not selected will still have access to other funds and resources. Partial funding will not be awarded in this category.