KPB Golden Pear Fellowship Award - $10,000
- Minimum adjusted GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale
- Minimum of 40 environmentally related volunteer hours for preceding 12-month period
- Minimum of 20 volunteer hour hours with Keep Pearland Beautiful for preceding 36-month period
- Minimum of 1 year service with KPB Youth Environmental Council or a similar on-campus environmental club/association
- Resident of Pearland, TX for at least 3-years prior to application submission
- Graduating senior from the following schools:
Dawson HS, Pearland HS, Shadow Creek HS, Turner HS, Dobie HS, Willowridge HS, or a Verified Home School Assoc.
The Golder Pear Fellowship Award is paid is two annual installments of $5,000 each. Recipients must meet GPA requirement during both years to qualify for award distribution.