Important Details
Sign up as an individual, couple, or as a whole table. There is a spot below to list the other people you plan on having at your table, whether you are paying for them or not. Individuals, Couples, or small teams will be combined to form bigger Teams.
Teams/Tables can have a maximum of 8 people.
$5/person or purchase a whole table for $40.
This event is Bring-Your-Own-Appetizers or snacks for your table.
There will be a cash bar with beer and wine available to purchase.
Teams/Tables should start thinking about a Team Name, and are encouraged to create a Table Theme if desired (decorations? outfits?). The theme is not necessary but Team Name is.
Babysitting will be offered in the Family Life Center. Kid dropoff is at 6:15pm at the FLC.
Trivia Night begins at 6:30pm and will finish up by 8:45-9pm.
Doors open at 6pm to arrive, bring in food, grab a drink, and get settled.