Who we are, what we do, and why your voice matters!
As a locally funded, educational, non-enforcement agency, Alger Conservation District is genuinely at your service. We thank you for your support as we continue delivering on our community's natural resource mission in the upcoming years.
Our mission is to provide sound natural resource management assistance to the residents of Alger County. We support the community by partnering with residents, school districts, local municipalities, and state and federal agencies. Our team delivers positive results for residents through free educational workshops, partner-funded assistance programs, and regional cooperative action to conserve and restore natural resources in Alger County.
Your participation and feedback in this process allow our team to focus on and understand the needs of our community, prioritize our actions, and create successful long-term success plans.
Thank you for your time and support!
The Alger CD Team & Board of Directors
Programs that your voice will impact
(not a complete list)
The Chatham Community Gardens
Youth Programs
Partner Programs
Habitat Improvement Projects
Invasive Species Management
Local, State, and Federal Grants
Free Workshops
Free Community Collection Days
Stream Monitoring
and much more!
Our Community Partners
(not a complete list)
Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)
Lake to Lake CISMA
Michigan On-Farm Produce Saftey
MDARD Forestry Assistance Program
American Bird Conservancy
MI Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MEAEP)
UP Resource Conservation & Development Council
Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Michigan University Extention & Research
Trout Unlimited, Fred Waara Chapter
Alger County Public Schools
Michigan Association of Conservation Districts
National Association of Conservation Districts
and much, much more!