Objective of Scholarship
This scholarship’s intent is to foster high school participation with Cape Fear Valley Blood Donor Center by encouraging
high-school seniors to take an active role in planning and executing blood drives at their school.
Administration of the Program
The scholarship is funded through donations to Cape Fear Valley Health Foundation, and jointly administered by the Foundation and the Blood Donor Center.
Amount of Scholarship
One-time $500 award for one student, per high school.
Who is eligible?
High-school seniors, who help plan and execute a blood drive at their school, can apply. eir schools must have hosted at least two blood drives within the past 12 months or met the minimum number of donors required per site size.
Applicants are expected to plan to pursue a degree in the health sciences or health occupations field of study. Eligible seniors
may apply without regard to race, gender, color, age, national origin, religion, or physical or mental disability, provided all other
criteria are met.
Other Eligibility Criteria
1. The applicant must be actively involved in the planning and execution of the blood drives.
2. Student must have a minimum average GPA of 2.50 (unweighted).
3. Student has been admitted to an accredited course of study to a two or four-year college or university.
Application Requirements
1. Completed application
2. Official high school transcript
3. Letter of nomination by high-school advisor overseeing the blood drives
4. Letter of recommendation from someone other than the above advisor
5. Copy of college acceptance letter
Application must be received or postmarked to Cape Fear Valley Health Foundation no later than .
Please mail to:Cape Fear Valley Health Foundation, P.O. Box 87526, Fayetteville, NC 28304
Or drop off at: Cape Fear Valley Health Foundation • Medical Arts Building, 101 Robeson Street, Suite 106 Fayetteville, NC 28301