The total combined cost for this outreach (training + outreach) will be determined later as the outreach expenses vary according to location. The total cost of the training is 50 euros. This does not include accommodation.
Impact Balkans is unfortunately unable to provide accomodation during the training in Riga. However, there are plenty of websites which you can use to find accommodation, such as and As a team leader, you are responsible for ensuring that all of your team members have a place to stay during the training, preferably with everyone in the same place. If you are joining Impact Baltics as an individual participant and do not yet have a team, you can wait for your team placement so that your accommodation can be arranged together with your future team leader and team members.
The registration fee of 20 euros can be paid through the Impact Baltics website
Through bank transfer.
Name: Pentecostal European Mission
IBAN: DE61 5009 2100 0001 7704 11
Address: Chaussée de Waterloo 47, 1640 Rhode-St-Génèse, BELGIUM
When you make the payment:
IB25 Registration Fee, full name
SKB Bad-Homburg
Friedberger Str. 101
61350 Bad Homburg v. d. Höhe
Please note that your registration will not be completed before we receive a receipt for your payment of the registration fee. The remaining 30 euros will be paid to the same bank account by the first of June. Please make sure that you have received a confirmation email before you pay the rest of the training fees.
If you are in need of a scholarship, please contact