VAM Event Prework
Please share the below context on your business so we can better identify your business constraint
First Name
Last Name
Business Name
Guest Names & Emails:
Please describe your core avatar
Please describe your core offer
What is the price for your core offer?
Country of business:
Number of years in business:
Last 12 Months Revenue:
Last 12 Months Profit:
Business Cash On Hand:
Number of Full Time Employees:
Number of Contractors/Part Time Employees:
Do you have any recurring revenue?
Please Select
Please describe your recurring revenue product, including price point and billing frequency
How much recurring revenue did you have in the last 12 months?
What is your annual customer churn for this recurring revenue product?
How many total customers did you have in the last 12 months?
How many products drive the majority of your revenue?
Please Select
I have one product that makes up the majority of my revenue
I have two products that make up the majority of my revenue
I have three or more products that make up the majority of my revenue
What product makes up the biggest portion of your revenue?
What is the price, percentage of revenue, and number of units sold per month of this product?
What product makes up the second biggest portion of your revenue?
What is the price, percentage of revenue, and number of units sold per month of this product?
What product makes up the third biggest portion of your revenue?
What is the price, percentage of revenue, and number of units sold per month of this product?
What is your LTGP?
How did you calculate your LTGP?
What is your CAC?
How did you calculate your CAC?
Are you currently able to sell more services/products without hiring more team members?
Please Select
What role(s) would you need to hire for first to be able to sell more?
How many units can you sell with your team today without any additional hires?
What percentage of that total capacity are you currently at today?
Do you use a sales call to close?
Please Select
What mechanic(s) do you use to convert people from leads to sales?
What is your close rate?
What is your show rate?
Do you currently use or plan to use any of the following?
Trade shows
Outbound calls
Please describe how you are using the above, if any:
Do you currently paid for any marketing?
Please Select
Yes (Ie: Paid ads, boosted posts, TV, radio)
No (Organic, Referrals, Word of Mouth only)
How much do you spend on marketing per month? Please break this out by platform. If you are using offline or traditional channels please include those as well
How many leads do you get per platform, per month?
What is your best acquisition channel and why?
How many total leads do you get per month?
I think my constraint is:
Customer Success
What do you believe is your business constraint and why?
Should be Empty: