Eurofins Biolab Srl
Via Bruno Buozzi 2, Vimodrone (MI)
VAT Registration Number: 00762140960
Payment details:
Beneficiary: Eurofins Biolab Srl
Bank: UNICREDIT SPA (Filiale Segrate - Milano)
Account number: 000004846325
IBAN: IT04 N020 0820 6000 0000 4846 325
Swift: UNCRITM1257
ABI: 2008 CAB: 20600 CIN: 04 N
C/C: 000004846325
C.F. 03765750157
P. IVA 00762140960
Terms of payment:
The fee includes: participation in the workshop, optional individual meeting, lunch and refreshments.
You will receive confirmation, payment and invoicing details by email after submission.
The registration fee is payable in advance by bank transfer.
General Terms and conditions:
In the event of cancellation before 19 January, 50% of the fee will be refunded. Cancellations received after this date will not be refunded.
Eurofins Medical Device Services reserves the right to cancel or change the programme, speakers, date or Venue. If the event has to be cancelled, registrants will be notified as soon as possible and will receive a full refund of fees paid. Eurofins Medical Device Services is not responsible for airfare, hotel or other expenses incurred by participants.