The Rules
All Key Clubs in the Georgia District that are in good standing (Chartered and Dues paid for 24-25) are eligible for this award.
- The project described must have been completed between March 1, 2024 to February 3, 2025.
- This application may contain uploads of newspaper/magazine clippings, substantiating photographs, or other pertinent information.
All decisions made by the judges are final.
- Awards will be given to the first, second and third-place. There are no platinum, silver, gold or bronze divisions in this contest.
- All entries must be submitted by February 3, 2025.
- Club(s) receiving first place designation that wish to compete at the International Level must submit their entries along with the official Key Club International Major Emphasis Award cover sheet according to the rules set forth by the Key Club International guidebook.
Judging Criteria
The activity described can cover any phase of Key Club Major Emphasis involvement specifically highlighting personal development and social interaction of children, during the year from district convention to district convention. The report may include newspaper/magazine clippings, substantiating photographs, or other pertinent information. Projects acceptable for this award may include both hands-on service and fundraising efforts.
Entries shall be judged based upon an accumulated total of points allocated to the following categories:
- Need: Establish in what way the project deals with the Major Emphasis. 10 points
- Plan: Describe how the project was organized. 10 points
- Implementation: Describe the steps taken to implement the plan. 20 points
- Final results: Describe the benefits of the service rendered. 20 points
- Partnerships with the Kiwanis family and other organizations: Describe actions and partnerships formed. Describe how the project was publicized. 10 Points
- Percentage of club members participating:
1-9% = 1 point 50-59% = 6 points
10-19% = 2 points 60-69% = 7 points
20-29% = 3 points 70-79% = 8 points
30-39% = 4 points 80-89% = 9 points
40-49% = 5 points 90-100% = 10 points
- Club’s overall program dealing with the Major Emphasis: Describe any other projects/programs your club implemented to address the Major Emphasis. Describe how your club worked with the Major Emphasis during other parts of the year. 20 points
100 Points Total