What is your building address?
No need to include your unit number
Are you interested in installing solar panels at your building?
Are you an owner-occupier?
No, but have plans to occupy in the future
The average apartment solar project has an upfront cost of $3,000, annual savings of around $600 and a payback period of 5 years (per apartment). If this was the case, would you:
Vote in favour of the project
Vote against project
Unsure - need more information
If you upload an electricity bill we will accurately model your individual savings and ROI for your building's solar system. Please upload your latest electricity bill here
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Are you planning to buy an Electric Vehicle?
Already have one
In the next 2 years
In the next 5 years
In the next 10 years
No plans
What is the average distance you typically drive per day?
0 - 10 kilometres
11 - 20 kilometres
21 - 40 kilometres
40 - 80 kilometres
Over 80 kilometres
If your building's owners vote in favour of installing EV charging infrastructure, what capital expenditure are you likely to support?
Up to $1,000 per apartment for trickle charging
Up to $3,500 per apartment for faster wallbox charging
I do not have a parking space
What electrification or energy-saving initiatives would you like to see investigated in your building? (select all that apply)
Battery storage
EV charging
LED lighting
Efficient hot water systems
Induction cooktops
Efficient heating and cooling systems
Pool pumps
All of the above
None of the above
Should be Empty: