About the event:
Join us for this residential course, celebrating spring equinox with facilitator and storyteller Michael Loader. The Equinox happens twice a year in spring and autumn when day and night are of equal length - a balance between the dark and the light. Over the course of the weekend, participants will be exploring and experiencing 'balance’ through a wide range of activities:
* Writing poetry and prose of opposites
* Walking the grounds at Braziers Park and discovering things high and low - the micro and macro
* Uncovering the known and unknown without the sense of sight or hearing, whilst relying on touch, smell and taste
* Physical activities (not too strenuous) that will test our agility and stability
* Making monochrome art to paint in and paint out the positive and negative ground
* Creating our own myth and music, including instruments and voice
* Seeking equilibrium and sharing how we attain that in our lives
* Creating a sun photograph (cyanotype) inspired by nature
About the facilitator:
Michael Loader is a storyteller and facilitator working with all ages from pre-schoolers to elders. He works with the Read For Good charity in children’s hospitals and is the director of Somerset Storyfest that has been employing refugees to share their Life Stories in schools. Michael is storyteller in residence with St. George’s concert hall Bristol and St. Nicholas church Brockley. His creative work abroad has taken him to children’s homes in Romania, street theatre in East Germany, drama workshops in Spain, corporate facilitation in Switzerland and two projects in Palestine and Israel, one with the British Council.
Tickets include two nights' accommodation and all meals from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch, plus refreshments.
There are different rates available for people in different financial situations so please choose your rate when filling in the payment section.
Please be mindful when choosing "Budget" or "Lower" rates as we offer them to address the specific systemic and economic barriers that attendees may face directly or indirectly based on their ethnic or national identities, or political and economical obstacles. We ask that you evaluate your level of need before selecting lower rates.
Note: Only "Standard" rates guarantee single accommodation. If you are booking for one person and you choose the "Shared", "Budget", or "Lower" rate you may be placed in a room with another attendee of the same gender.
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