Atlantic Wind Energy Supply Chain Study Intake Form and Webinar Registration
To register for the webinar and provide information that will inform the study’s supply chain assessment, please complete the following intake form. If you are unable to attend the webinar, we still encourage and invite you to complete this form as the data you provide will be an important part of informing the study. Thank you for your time and participation in this important initiative!
First Name
Last Name
Postal/zip code (of business, if applicable)
Organization Type (check at least one)
Project Management (Developers or those subcontracted to manage packages of a project)
Permitting (Companies engaged in all or part of permitting and regulatory compliance processes including EIAs, excluding data collection)
Onshore surveys and environmental monitoring (Wind resources assessments, geotechnical surveys, etc.)
Offshore surveys and environmental monitoring (Wind resources assessments, geotechnical surveys, metocean assessments, protected species observers, etc.)
Engineering and design (Front-end engineering and design: turbine layout, electrical and civil infrastructure, feasibility analysis, etc.)
Major industrial electrical equipment supply (Wind turbine generator, transformers, switchgear, control systems, power offtake system, etc.)
Minor industrial electrical equipment supply (HVAC, lighting systems, fire alarms, etc.)
Industrial motion precision component fabrication (Gearbox, main shaft, yaw/pitch motors)
Blade supply (Glass/carbon fiber, polymer foam, balsawood, resin, etc.)
Major steel component supply (Tubular steel, steel plate, large gauge welding services, major steel component fabrication facilities, anchors, pin piles, piles, monopiles, towers, floating substructures, etc.)
Secondary steel component supply (Ladders, handrails, work platforms, boat landings, walk-to-work platforms, davit cranes, structural fasteners (custom and stock), cable terminations, installation aids, seafastening/grillages, etc.)
Mooring supply (Chain, synthetic rope, connectors, etc.)
Cable supply (Cable raw material supply (bitumin, lead alloy, copper, aluminum), cable manufacturing facilities, etc.)
Ancillary equipment supply (Forklifts, cranes, specialized tools, welding supplies, corrosion protection, concrete supply, scour protection, coating and paint supply etc.)
Vessel design and build (Shipbuilding, ship retrofits, ship repair, vessel specific equipment provision, etc.)
Onshore construction (Road building, grading, leveling, landscaping, foundation preparation for tower, onshore substation, etc.)
Onshore tower and turbine installation (Foundation laying for tower, installation of tower, mounting of wind turbine on tower, running cables, etc.)
Offshore installation works (Vertical integration and tow-out of floating OSW turbines, foundation installation, tower mounting, OSW turbine installation, cable installation, cable pull-in, etc.)
Electrical/grid connection and commissioning (Terminating and connecting electrical infrastructure, energizing systems, commissioning works, calibration, testing, etc.)
Onshore logistics (Transportation, logistics planning)
Vessel and marine logistics (Vessel supply services (CTVs, SOVs, WTIVs, heavy-lift vessels, cable lay vessels, diver boats, pilot/scout boats, barges, etc), ROV's, divers, warranty surveyors, brokerage and customs functions, helicopter services, HSE inspectors, etc.)
Operations (Facilities management and monitoring, HSE inspectors, weather forecasting and metocean data, communications, emergency response systems.)
Onshore inspection, maintenance and repair (IMR) (Contracting companies representing wind turbine technicians, rope access technicians, engineering services, regulatory services, turbine service kits, major component replacement support, electrical support, maintenance support.)
Offshore inspection, maintenance and repair (IMR) (Contracting companies representing wind turbine technicians, rope access technicians, offshore scaffolding, engineering services, regulatory services, ROVs, AUVs, divers, vessels, turbine service kits, major component replacement support, electrical support, maintenance support.)
Government, industry associations, non-profit organizations (Government, industry associations, non-profit organizations, indigenous organizations, diversity offices, advocacy groups, etc.)
Training, Academia, Labor Organizations (Unions) and R&D (Universities, trades colleges, technical high schools, unions, wave tanks, piloting facilities, research centers, business incubators/accelerators, etc.)
Other professional services (Industry specific accounting, insurance, finance, HR, legal services, etc.)
Size of organization:
Total number of employees worldwide
Please Select
Less than 10
Not sure
Total number of employees based in Atlantic Canada
Please Select
Less than 10
Not sure
Location or organizations head office:
Nova Scotia
Newfoundland and Labrador
New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
Canada (Outside Atlantic Canada)
International (Please specify country))
Please indicate if your firm is owned or led by any of the following:
Racialized person
Person with a disability
None of the above
What sectors are you currently providing supplies/services to? (check all that apply)
Renewable Energy
Oil and Gas
Shipping/marine transportation
Offshore Wind
How much experience do you have in providing services or supplies to the offshore wind sector?
No experience at all
Some experience (e.g. 1-2 projects/sales)
Very experienced (e.g. >2 projects)
Are you currently providing services or supplies to any offshore wind project or to support future offshore wind development?
If you answered yes, where are your services being provided? (e.g. Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, outside Atlantic Canada, international)
Please rate your interest in pursuing business opportunities from future offshore wind development in Atlantic Canada?
Not at all interested in pursuing opportunities
Very interested in pursuing opportunities
1 is Not at all interested in pursuing opportunities, 5 is Very interested in pursuing opportunities
Do you feel that your company is ready to engage in offshore wind project development activity in Atlantic Canada?
No (please see question below)
If you answered “No” to the above, please check the boxes that are relevant to you. My company is interested in offshore wind development, but may be lacking the following:
Partners/network/connections with offshore wind industry
Knowledge of offshore wind development (ex. phases of a project and where we can provide services/supplies)
What kind of assistance or support would you require to compete or better compete for contracts in Atlantic Canada’s future offshore wind sector?
Market intelligence - information and education on state of the sector and opportunities
Assistance in identifying potential clients/prospects
Assistance in developing partnerships
Assistance in re-tooling/adapting skills and expertise
Assistance in scaling up
Other (please provide specific details)
Do you think there will be challenges in getting involved in future offshore wind projects in Atlantic Canada from a supply chain and/or workforce perspective?
If you answered yes, could you please elaborate on what you believe those challenges are.
Onshore Wind
How much experience do you have in providing services or supplies to the onshore wind sector?
No experience at all
Some experience (e.g. 1-2 projects/sales)
Very experienced (e.g. > 2 projects)
Are you currently providing services or supplies to any onshore wind project or to support future onshore wind development?
If you answered yes, where are your services being provided? (e.g. Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, outside Atlantic Canada, international)
Please rate your interest in pursuing business opportunities from onshore wind development in Atlantic Canada?
Not at all interested in pursuing opportunities
Very interested in pursuing opportunities
1 is Not at all interested in pursuing opportunities, 5 is Very interested in pursuing opportunities
Do you feel that your company is ready to engage in onshore wind project development activity in Atlantic Canada?
If you answered “No” to the above, please check the boxes that are relevant to you. My company is interested in offshore wind development, but may be lacking the following:
Partners/network/connections with offshore wind industry
Knowledge of offshore wind development (ex. phases of a project and where we can provide services/supplies)
What kind of assistance or support would you require to compete or better compete for contracts in Atlantic Canada’s future onshore wind sector?
Market intelligence - information and education on state of the sector and opportunities
Assistance in identifying potential clients/prospects
Assistance in developing partnerships
Assistance in re-tooling/adapting skills and expertise
Assistance in scaling up
Other (please provide specific details)
Do you think there will be challenges in getting involved in future onshore wind projects in Atlantic Canada from a supply chain and/or workforce perspective?
If you answered yes, could you please elaborate on what you believe those challenges are.
Should be Empty: