Important Details:
Quest is a 4 day 3 night retreat for students 6th-12th grade. Students will have the opportunity to engage in worship, small group bible study, archery, canoeing, zip-line, crafts and games throughout the weekend. Students stay in cabins, eat meals together and have time to unplug all weekend long. It is a great time to relax, enjoy time together, and connect with God--truly one of the best weekends of the year!
Students leave Friday March 14th at 5:30pm and return Monday March 17th by 11:30 am. (Monday is a school holiday-spring break)
Cost: $125 per student. There is a $25 deposit per student required to register--this $25 deposit goes toward the total cost. So if you pay $25 today when registering, your balance will be $100
Transportation: Students will be transported by school bus to QUEST and return the same way. There will be NO STOPS and dinner will be provided when we arrive at QUEST that friday evening.
Deadline: All students must register by February 23rd. Total balance is due by MARCH 14th (or make arrangements with Student Ministry Director).
Location: Quest will take place at Twin Oaks Ranch in Buda Texas. Please Click HERE for more information on the location and activities available at TWIN OAKS. There will be additional forms to sign after registration is complete.
Additional details: All students must have a current medical release on file in order to attend. Click MEDICAL RELEASE to print and complete.
PLEASE READ Cell Phone Contract: CELL PHONES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED AT QUEST. If a student is found with their phone (or other device), parents will be contacted and asked to pick up their student. Students have told us countless times that one of their favorite things about QUEST is that it provides them much needed UNPLUGGED time--we would like to keep this retreat as a time when students are able to disconnect be fully present.
Health and Safety: If your student has serious allergies or other health related conditions, please note your concerns on the medical release and contact Sarah Urbina ahead of time. We want every student to have the opportunity to attend and will make every effort to keep students safe and healthy while at QUEST.