Thank you for filling out the Working Families Party Sheriff Candidate Questionnaire. Please answer all the questions that are applicable.
Anyone who aspires to have a governing role in New York will have the challenging task of taking office under a presidential administration that is – at best – hostile to the state and its residents. The levers of local government can be used to protect New Yorkers from the dangerous attacks of an emboldened Trump regime – while also giving them the opportunity to live dignified lives in safe, affordable neighborhoods with thriving schools.
The vast majority of New Yorkers are living paycheck-to-paycheck, and living with the real life consequences of an affordability crisis that gets worse by the day. New Yorkers are deeply frustrated with a political system that asks everyday people to keep waiting for relief that never comes. They are tired of politicians who make empty promises to deliver safety and support for working-class New Yorkers, and instead use the levers of power to help their friends and donors. Their discontent was evident in the most recent elections, where more than 600,000 fewer New York residents voted in 2024 than did so in 2020.
The Working Families Party is committed to helping elect leaders who will be focused on improving the lives of workers and their families, instead of leveraging the power of government for the benefit of the rich and well connected.
WFP believes that our democracy is better when people are organized in their workplace and their community. Labor unions and community organizations function as essential organisms of solidarity and make our democracy stronger. We value candidates that prioritize building deep and collaborative relationships with organizations rooted in, and representing, working-class communities, and we seek to elect leaders committed to partnering with labor unions and community organizations to deliver material improvements in people’s lives.
We are looking for bold leaders who will champion working families across the state; who come to the table with big ideas, grit, and ambition; who will bring to fruition ideas previously thought unachievable, while staying grounded and deeply connected to the communities that elect them. If that's you, please fill out the following questionnaire so our multiracial coalition of community and union leaders, neighborhood activists, and working-class New Yorkers can better assess your candidacy.
The best WFP candidates run on our issues, build our larger governing bloc, deploy winning teams and strategy, demonstrate their commitment to co-governance and accountability, and work with us to build the WFP.