Breakfast Pre-Order Form
Use this form to order a grab and go breakfast from Clewell Dining Hall. Please select four items. 48 hours notice is required and we prefer that you pick up your breakfast the evening before you need it (due to hours of operation). Available pick up days are Monday, Wednesday & Friday. You are able to select breakfast for multiple days of the week as needed, please just indicate a quantity of each item to supply enough for multiple days. Questions? Email
First Name
Last Name
Moravian Email
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
What is your student ID #? Each meal will be charged as a "swipe" to your account.
Pick up Dates & Times
Please note that pickups are available Monday, Wednesday & Friday. You are able to select breakfast for multiple days, i.e. on Monday, pick up for Tuesday & Wednesday. On Wednesday, pick up for Thursday & Friday. On Friday, pickup for Saturday, Sunday or Monday.
I will be picking up breakfast for the following days at this date/time (select as many as apply):
Pick a bread/cereal:
Muffin of the day
Plain Bagel
Everything Bagel
Cinnamon Raisin Bagel
Cereal with Milk
Write in your quantity of each (write 0 if none)
Any spreads for your breads?
Cream Cheese
Write in your quantity of each
(write 0 if none)
Pick a fruit option:
Mixed Fruit Cup
Whole Apple
Whole Orange
Whole Banana
Grape Cup
Write in your quantity of each
(write 0 if none)
Pick a juice option:
Apple Juice
Orange Juice
Write in your quantity of each
(write 0 if none)
Would you like vanilla yogurt as well
Yes, Yougurt.
No, thank you.
Write in your quantity of each
(write 0 if none)
Should be Empty: