CEAS EXPO Judge Volunteer Form
Please use this form to sign up to be an EXPO judge on Tuesday, April 8. Volunteers will receive an overview of the judging process and a rubric to use for scoring projects. Questions? Contact Ann Terry at ann.terry@foundation.uc.edu or 513-556-4469.
First Name
Last Name
Cell Phone
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please indicate your affiliation with UC (check all that apply):
Industry Partner
Graduate Student
Company Name
What programs do you wish to judge? (check all that apply)
Aerospace Engineering
Architectural Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Construction Management
Electrical Engineering/Electrical Engineering Technology
Environmental Engineering
Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Technology
Judging will take place from 1 to 4:15 p.m., and you are welcome to register for one or both blocks based on your schedule. For each block volunteers should expect to judge 3-4 projects. For those volunteering the entire time you will judge 6-7 projects.
Full Day (1 - 4:15 p.m.)
Half Day 1 (1 - 2:35 p.m.)
Half Day 2 (2:40 - 4:15 p.m.)
Will you attend the Judge training and lunch from 11 a.m. - Noon on Tuesday, April 8.
Yes, I will attend
No, I will not attend
Should be Empty: