Certification for ministry includes participation in "programs of study, growth, and renewal" (Theological Foundations and Policies and Criteria for the Ordering of Ministry: Section 11. F.2. b.ii Indicate programs in which you have participated in the past 12 months (please check ALL that apply):
Personal Spiritual Retreat Clergy Retreat Ecumenical events
National Convocation Outdoor Ministries
General Assembly Regional Assembly Youth, Adult, or other church camp experience
Obra Hispana Clergy Connections Upgrade Thursday
List journals or books you have read or other programs of study you have pursued this year, especially those you recommend:
Passions, Interests, and Demonstrated Experience (check as many as apply):
Commission on Ministry Ecumenical Dialogue Creation Care/Green Chalice
Interfaith Dialogue Justice/Peace Leadership Marketing and Communications New Church Ministries
Rural Church Leadership Social Media/Public Relations Teaching Disciples History/Polity Children/Youth/Young Adult Leadership Curriculum Development Conflict Resolution