CANOPY: Forests + Markets + Society Speaker Proposals
Thank you for your interest in speaking at CANOPY: Forests + Markets + Society on September 16-18, 2025. Submissions will be reviewed in two batches: • Applications received by May 15, 2025• Applications received by July 22, 2025 If you are confirmed as a speaker, we will register you for the conference using the contact details submitted below. Your biography will be used in our print proceedings.
Speaker Profile
First Name
Last Name
Position Title
Email Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip Code
Business Phone
Cell Phone
Presentation Proposal
Working Title
Brief description of your presentation (1-2 paragraphs). Please note that we favor proposals with a clear thesis, ideally supported with data. Include key take-aways and why the topic is important to timberland investors. If you are proposing to organize a panel, please include the names of any panelists and moderators you have in mind.
Short speaker biography (1 paragraph). If this proposal is for a panel, please include only a bio for yourself. You do not need to submit bios for each panelist at this time.
Please indicate whether this proposal is for an individual presentation or panel.
Thank you for your submissions!
If you have questions, feel free to contact Sara Wu at
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