Tree Count Calculator
Calculate how much your farm can save in cost and time with AyaGrow's Tree Count Calculator
Farm Size (hectares)
Currency (please select one)
Please Select
Note that all calculations will be done and quoted in your selected currency.
Daily rate per worker
Indicate amount based on the currency you have selected above
Number of workers typically assigned to tree count exercise
Results: Manual Tree Count
Assumes 1 worker can count 2 hectares per day
Cost to count trees (local currency)
Days required
Results: Tree Count Using AyaGrow
AyaGrow is an AI-Powered Crop and Field Management Platform
Cost to count trees (local currency)
Days required
With AyaGrow, you can optimise yields, increase efficiency and save costs. Enter your email below for more details. We look forward to supporting you on your AI journey!
Note: AyaGrow's cost includes processing for the AI model plus a comprehensive report in PDF format. Aya Data can do data collection and image processing for an additional cost. Also ask about our dashboard options for an enhanced experience.
Manual count (#of days 1 worker can count 3 ha)
AyaGrow Cost per Hectare
AyaGrow Days Required
Exchange rate (USD/GHC)
Exchange rate (USD/NGN)
Exchange rate (USD/CFA)
Exchange Rate (USD)
Exchange Rate to Use
Should be Empty: