I understand that with dance and ballet, as is the case with any physical activity, the risk of injury, even serious or disabling, is always present and cannot be entirely eliminated. Dance and ballet are not recommended and are not safe under certain medical conditions. I affirm that I alone am responsible to decide whether to participate in any choreography or exercises. I hereby agree to irrevocably release and waive any claims that I have now or hereafter may have against Avant Chamber Ballet, including but not limited to any and all known and unknown claims of negligence by the instructors, employees, agents, and representatives of Avant Chamber Ballet.I grant to Avant Chamber Ballet, its representatives, and employees the right to take photographs of me in connection with Avant Chamber Ballet in classes, rehearsals or performances.I agree that Avant Chamber Ballet may use such photographs of me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content. I have read and understood the above: