Acknowledgment of Understanding
I certify that I represent all legal decision-making parties for our child(ren) and that all parties are in agreement about the decision to withdraw from Southeastern Christian Academy. I understand that by submitting the Online Notice of Withdrawal, I am ending my child's enrollment at SCA effective at the end of the current school year or by the date indicated above. I understand that my child's spot will be released and made available to new applicants. I understand that should I choose to enroll at Southeastern Christian Academy again, may be required to re-apply using SCA's new student application and submit the required payment online via credit card. I understand that my child may be required to follow all the formal steps of the (1) new student application process, (2) academic documents review, (3) recommendations review, and (4) the principal interview. I understand that must submit the Online Notice of Withdrawal by January 15th to avoid being charged the nonrefundable Enrollment Fee.