2025-2026 Principals Leadership Academy of Arizona Application
The AEF® Principals Leadership Academy of Arizona (PLAA) is a premier school leadership development program dedicated to empowering aspiring school leaders and first-year principals with the tools, skills, and support needed for leadership success. Now in its 18th year, PLAA stands as a highly effective and distinguished administrator preparation program in Arizona, offering a comprehensive curriculum crafted by experienced A+ School of Excellence principals, district administrators, and state education leaders. This esteemed academy is designed to guide participants on their journey to successful and impactful school leadership, ensuring they are well-equipped to lead with confidence, purpose, and vision.
First Name
Last Name
Personal Email
Work Email
Home Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Mobile Number:
Area Code
Phone Number
Current Job Title:
Please choose an option that best describes your current position:
First-year School Principal
Recommended by a school or district to become a School Principal
Pursuing becoming a School Principal on my own
Experienced School Principal
School where currently employed (Leave blank if not currently employed by a school):
School Address (Leave blank if not currently employed by a school)
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
School District Name
What county is your school located in?
Please Select
Apache County
Cochise County
Coconino County
Gila County
Graham County
Greenlee County
La Paz County
Maricopa County
Mohave County
Navajo County
Pima County
Pinal County
Santa Cruz County
Yavapai County
Yuma County
Please share how the Principals Leadership Academy of Arizona will advance your professional goals: 450 word limit
As a Principals Leadership Academy of Arizona participant, what are your expected outcomes? Please share the curricular/content objectives you are seeking to achieve as a participant of PLAA. 450 word limit
PLAA will be offered with most sessions in-person in Phoenix, Tucson, Casa Grande and some by Zoom. We do NOT record sessions. If accepted into the program, do you anticipate any issues with attendance? *For a list of meeting dates and format, visit https://www.azedfoundation.org/principals-lead-academy.
Unless something unforeseen, I should be able to attend all sessions.
The in-person sessions may be difficult for me to attend
The Zoom sessions may be difficult for me to attend
Working one-on-one with a Principal Mentor in your local area and conducting a site visit to their A+ school is a program requirement. Do you foresee any barriers to meeting this requirement?
The cost to attend the 9-month Principals Leadership Academy of Arizona is $1,500.00 before May 16, 2025. Registration after this timeframe increases to $1,750.00.after May 16th. How do you plan to cover the cost?
My school or district will cover 100%.
My school or district will cover a portion and I will pay the rest.
I will pay the total my self.
Breakfast, lunch and snacks are provided to participants during in-person sessions. Do you have any dietary needs or allergies that we need to be aware of?
Please share any additional questions or comments.
CERTIFICATION: By signing below, you acknowledge that you have viewed the dates and meeting format for the coming 2025-2026 Principals Leadership Academy; you understand the requirement of working fully with a Principal Mentor and conducting a site visit at their school; and you certify that you can attend and participate fully in the program. You acknowledge that failing to attend one or more sessions or defaulting on the mentorship will adversely impact the credits earned through the University of Phoenix:
For any questions relating to the PLAA program, please contact program coordinator Brett K. Bonner at brett@azedfoundation.org.
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