CCAC Holiday Foster Sign-up
Help us get to know you and your plans for holiday fostering. This information will help us match you with the shelter animal who is best for your family and existing pets. Animals will need to be picked up and returned to Cheatham County Animal Control in Pegram, TN, and a foster form will be completed at the time of pick-up. Thank you so much for helping get our animals into homes for the holidays!
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Can we communicate about holiday fostering via text?
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
What dates are you available to foster? Holiday fostering opportunities are December 23-January 2nd.
What type of animal are you interested in fostering?
Whichever is most needed
Do you have specific animal in mind who you would like to foster? If so, please name below. If this animal is adopted before holiday fostering begins we will do our best to match you with another friend.
Do you have a fenced yard?
Do you have other animals? If so, please let us know what kind and how many below.
Do you have children? If so, please share their ages below.
Do you have specific preferences about the animal you would like to foster? (Ex: must be cat friendly, prefer a male, etc.)
Do you understand that foster animals are the property of Cheatham County Animal Control and that costs related to animal care (including vet fees) will NOT be reimbursed without prior permission from CCAC staff? You will be given contact information for a foster coordinator should a medical emergency arise or should you have questions about your foster's care.
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