I understand this is not an application for services from Adult Career and Continuing Education Services - Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) or for the Commission for the Blind.
Disability EmpowHer Network is committed to good privacy practices. As such, Disability EmpowHer Network is disclosing that to fully process your request for Pre-Employment Transition Services, access is required to personal information about you, which will be maintained by the Potentially Eligible provider. By signing this form, you are permitting access to any personal information (PII) necessary to process your request for Pre-Employment Transition Services, to provide these services to you. Please note that Disability EmpowHer Network protects any non-public, confidential personal information maintained about you from release to the public or unauthorized third party. By signing below, I authorize ACCES-VR to obtain/release information (including school records, disability information and status of ACCES-VR process By signing below, I acknowledge that in completing the request for Pre-Employment Transition Services, Disability EmpowHer Network may obtain or release confidential personal information about me as follows: in collaboration with ACCES-VR vendors and Partners on my behalf to report my progress to the school or agency who referred me to Disability EmpowHer Network when required by law and to facilitate the administration of the Rehabilitation Act to other state agencies, if applicable Disability EmpowHer Network does not discriminate against any applicant for services on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin/ancestry, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender, veteran or military status, and/or genetic information or in any manner prohibited by law.