Linn County Kennel Club
RV Parking Reservations
Please Read Carefully
Online Parking Reservation - US$45.00 per night plus a 3% Service Fee.
All other Reservations - US$55.00 per night.
Second Motorized Vehicle - US$20.00 for the entire show.
RV Parking:
- Spaces are approximately 20'x40'
- All vehicles must fit within your assigned space(s)
- Opens at 12:00 noon Thursday
- Must be vacated by 8:00PM Sunday
- No entry allowed between 10:00PM and 6:00AM
Space assignments (including hookups) will be based on RV size and order in which the reservation was received.
Electrical Power is limited and is not guaranteed. Powered sites will be assigned based upon when your reservation is received. Powered sites will not be available for RV Parking reservations received AFTER the February 5, 2025 closing date.
Request for refund must be recieved BEFORE the February 5, 2025 closing date and will be subject to a $10.00 sevice fee. Refunds will be issued two weeks after the show closes.