Classicist No. 22: Professional Portfolio Submission Form
Classicist No. 22 will focus on the state of Ohio. Only professional architectural projects completed in Ohio within the past 10 years are eligible for consideration. While restorations and renovations will be considered, please note that the majority of the work included in the Professional Portfolio is new work. The deadline for submissions for the Classicist No. 22 Professional Portfolio is June 15, 2025.
Application Process
If you wish to submit more than one project for consideration, please submit each project using a separate application form. All applications will be reviewed by the Classicist Committee of the ICAA. Successful applicants should expect to be notified in early fall. Should you have any questions while completing this form, please contact Stephanie Salomon at
Professional Portfolio Format
If your project is selected for publication, it will be included in the Professional Portfolio section of the Classicist No. 22 represented by one exterior photograph. The photograph will be accompanied by the name of your firm, the name of the project, the location of the project, and the name of the photographer. Selected projects will also be displayed in a digital Extended Portfolio hosted on the ICAA's website. The Extended Portfolio images should be focused on drawings (plans, sections, elevations), but may also include other exterior photographs of the project.
Image Specifications
Please send up to five photographs (exteriors only) as part of your application. Image resolution minimum: 300 dpi (higher dpi preferred); Mode: CMYK; Dimensions: 7.5" wide minimum x 7.5" high minimum (larger size preferred; horizontal images work best). Daytime lighting and straight-on views of the project are strongly preferred.
Project Information
Name of Firm
Name of Project
Project Location
Please include the city and state where the project is located.
Date of Completion
Project Description (2 - 3 Sentences)
Project Type
Base Building Scope of Work (new work, restoration, renovation, addition)
Specifically describe what is new build, the location and nature of any addition, and the location and nature of any renovation.
Contact Information
Name of Primary Contact at Firm:
First Name
Last Name
Email Address of Primary Contact at Firm:
Phone Number of Primary Contact at Firm:
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please enter the name(s) and email address(es) of the primary architect(s)/designer(s) for this project.
Please send up to five photographs (exteriors only) to complete your submission. Identify the images you will be sending below, alongside photographer credits. Image resolution minimum: 300 dpi (higher dpi preferred); Mode: CMYK; Dimensions: 7.5" wide minimum x 7.5" high minimum (larger size preferred; horizontal images work best). Daytime lighting and straight-on views of the project are strongly preferred.
Image File Upload
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Please ensure that images conform to the standards listed above.
Photographer Name(s)
If multiple photographers are represented in the images you are submitting, please be sure to include all of their names and indicate which photos were taken by which photographer.
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