This application needs to be filled out in its entirety. There is no saving and if you navigate away you may loose your inputted data. Use the Officer Application Note Catcher to write your initial answers, then copy and past into the form.
Have all forms signed, saved as a PDF, and ready to upload before you start the application.
Move as quickly as possible through this next section. Select from the dropdown list the statement that most describes you.
Each question should take you less than 15 seconds to answer. There are no "wrong" answers. Go with the one you feel the strongest about, are the most like, or your first responce that came to mind.
Thank you for your interest in being a SkillsUSA Nebraska State officer. Because you indicated you are not able to meet the minimum requirements of a State Officer you are not eligible to complete the State Officer Application. If you have reached this screen in error and are able to meet the minimum requirements please start the application process over.
Thank you for submitting your State Officer Application. Start building your campaign. Remember to follow all campaign rules. May the odds ever be in your favor!