Coaching Questionnaire
1. If you have never been an EA Coach or are not currently one, what are the main reasons for not taking up or discontinuing your EA Coaching accreditation?
Lack of promotion
Lack of professional development opportunities
Ongoing updates
Lack of support from EA/EV
Other (please specify)
If you selected "Other" please specify reason
2. Would you prefer updating and reaccreditation be conducted more
In-person (face-to-face seminars, training refresher days etc.)
3. If payment plans were introduced for EA Coaching accreditation fees and Insurance, would that encourage you to return to Coaching?
4. What improvements could be made to the insurance offered through Marsh to make it more appealing? (eg. Monthly/quarterly payments.) If you are currently a coach but not using EA insurance, please state why.
5. Is insurance a key issue in your coaching and do you need guidance or assistance?
Need extension of cover for facility
If you selected "Other", please detail.
6. Do you think the current coaching levels and disciplines are relevant to the needs of coaches and students? If no, please elaborate.
7. Are the coaching resources provided by EA relevant and up-to-date?
8. What could EA/EV do to improve communication between EA Coaches and non-EA Coaches?
9. Would you support a more state-based coaching structure, guided by a National curriculum? If no, how can the current National model be improved?
10. In what ways and through which platforms should EA promote its coaches?
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