Camp Abilities Tucson has an established emergency medical treatment plan. In case of a minor injury or illness, authorized trained personnel may administer first aid or medication. We have a nurse and many coaches certified in First Aid. In cases of serious injury or illness, personnel will call for emergency medical treatment or provide transportation to emergency services as needed. In all cases, a parent/guardian will be called regarding injuries and/or illness.
I, as parent/guardian with legal responsibility for the participant named above, authorize Camp Abilities Tucson to administer first aid, to call for emergency medical treatment, or to provide emergency transportation, as described above, for the participant named above. I further agree to bear all costs of emergency services provided in cases of injury or illness.
I understand that participation in the Camp Abilities Tucson program has risks due to the physical demands that are placed on a participant during physical activity and recreation participation, and that during physical activity there is potential risk of physical injury. I agree that I am solely responsible for my participant’s involvement and for their physical and emotional well-being. I understand that the program activities are voluntary and after receiving a copy of the activities, I am choosing for my participant to partake in each activity to whatever degree possible, with the child's physical, emotional and medical conditions considered.
I affirm that the participant’s health is good, and that they are not under a physician's care for any undisclosed condition that bears upon their fitness to participate in physical education, recreation and aquatic activities. I willingly and knowingly assume risk for the participant, myself, my heirs, family members, executors, administrators, and assume all risk of physical injury and emotional upset which may occur during any aspect of the program; and hereby agree to hold Camp Abilities Tucson, its employees, instructors, facilitators, and volunteer counselors/coaches harmless for any liability arising out of the child's participation in the program.