2025 Spring Summit Scholarship Application
Please complete this form to be considered for a scholarship to this year's virtual Spring Summit meeting. Submissions must be received by January 17, 2025. Recipients will be notified on or before February 1, 2025. If you've registered, we will issue you a refund. This year, we're offering five (5) scholarships to students and interns who are not member of NE DPG. While preference will be given to students, interns, NDTRs, and dietitians from underrepresented or marginalized communities, we encourage anyone with financial need to apply.
Name (First & Last Name)
Are you currently an NE DPG Member?
What is your Academy member number?
Social Media Handles How can we connect with you to feature you on social? Please list the social media handles you'd like for us to tag you on. If you prefer for us not to tag you, please put "n/a".
Did you attend the 2024 Nutrition Entrepreneurs Spring Summit?
Have you previously received a scholarship for the Nutrition Entrepreneurs DPG Spring Summit?
Please select the appropriate status that applies to you.
Student (DPD)
Student (Masters or PhD)
Intern (currently in DI)
Coordinated Program (MS/DI)
NDTR, practicing 5 years or less
RDN, practicing 5 years or less
NDTR, practicing 6 years or more
RDN, practicing 6 years or more
Please select the communities you represent. (select all that apply)
Individual with Disability
Black or African American
Middle Eastern or North African
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
First generation student
Male entering dietetics
Individual of low socioeconomic status
Prefer not to say
What stage are you in your nutrition entrepreneur journey?
I have not yet launched my nutrition business
1-5 years in business
5-10 years in business
10 + years in business
Why should you be selected as a recipient of the Spring Summit 2025 registration scholarship? Please keep this response to 250-400 words.
What do you hope to gain out of the Spring Summit this year? Please keep this response to 250-300 words.
If chosen, do you agree to send us a
Should be Empty: