E-Signature Required Below - Please read carefully as you are agreeing to the following understandings and conditions:
By signing (typing your legal name how you sign documents) in the space below, you are certifying that the above information is correct and that you are the person completing this application. When you press the submit button, you will receive an email confirmation that your application was received. Please print for your records and retain as verification of your application.
Due to the volume of applications, 3-4 weeks will be allotted from the time of the Faculty/Sponsor recommendation letter deadline for the committee to meet, review, and determine awards.
You will be notified via the email address on your application when decisions are made.
1). Return completed written acceptance and W-9 within 30 days of award notification.
Awards will be forfeited if the acceptance form and W9 are not received from the student 30 days after email notification to the student and sponsor.
Funds provided through the NCF Foundation must be picked up within 30 days after email notification. Funds not picked up in this timeframe will be voided.
2). If applicable, provide a handwritten or typed thank you note to the donor or trustee of the funds prior to receiving the check.
3). SRTG awards are processed through financial aid and you must not have any outstanding charges on your student account. If you do have outstanding charges, note that these will be be deducted from overall SRTG award amount.
4). The funds awarded will be solely used as proposed and you will keep travel and purchase receipts. The original receipts must be submitted within 30 days to the Center of Career Engagement and Opportunity (CEO) in Library 154.
5). Allocated funds to participating students as part of proposals using human subjects (if applicable) will be accountable to me and I am ultimately responsible for all reporting.
6). Provide a final project and expense summary report to the project faculty sponsor and to the Center for Career Engagement and Opportunity (CEO) within 30 days after completing the research project (a copy of the thesis abstract, if funds were for the thesis is sufficient). Email: srtg@ncf.edu
7). Return any unspent funds and/or relinquish permanent equipment back to the associated division or library as appropriate.
8). Review additional program guidelines linked at the top of this application and by signing below, you acknowledge that you have reviewed these guidelines.