Earth School Winter 2025 Family Field Trip Registration
Full name of primary caregiver (i.e., attending caregiver)
First Name
Last Name
Email of primary caregiver
We will never share your email with anyone else.
Phone number of primary caregiver
Please enter a valid phone number.
Relationship of primary caregiver to child/ren
Where are you coming from?
Town/city or county
What is your family's ethnic and/or cultural background?
How did you hear about our Winter 2025 Family Field Trip series?
e.g., WhatsApp, FaceBook group, word of mouth
Which Family Field Trip(s) do you plan on attending?
1/9 (Thursday) @ 10am-3pm: National Museum of African American History (*20 tickets reserved*)
1/15 (Wednesday) @ 10am-2pm: Brookside Nature Center
1/17 (Friday) @ 10am-3pm: National Air and Space Museum (*20 tickets reserved*)
1/25 (Saturday) @ 12pm-1pm: KanKouran Children's Dance class (ages 4-12, $12 per child)
1/27 (Monday) @ 10am-2pm: Planet Word - NEW KID with Imagination Stage
1/30 (Thursday) @ 10am-2pm: Patuxent Research Refuge National Wildlife Visitor Center
2/4 (Tuesday) @ 10am-2pm: Howard County Conservancy
2/8 (Saturday) @ 11am-12pm: KanKouran Children's Drum class ($12 per child)
2/10 (Monday) @ 10am-2pm: Meadowside Nature Center
2/12 (Wednesday) @ 10am-2pm: National Museum of Natural History
2/18 (Tuesday) @ 10am-2pm: Watkins Nature Center
2/25 (Tuesday) @ 10am-3pm: Maryland Science Center ($21.95 for ages 2-13, $29.95 for ages 13+, free for members and ASTC passport holders, $5 per person for Access Science eligible families)
2/27 (Thursday) @ 10am-2pm: Robinson Nature Center
First names and ages of child/ren attending
What topics or activities interest your child/ren the most?
Do you have a child with any environmental allergies?
e.g., grass, pollen, fur
How comfortable is/are your child/ren with spending time outdoors?
Very comfortable with extensive experience outdoors
Comfortable with some experience outdoors
Comfortable but unfamiliar with spending time outdoors
Unfamiliar and will require additional attention
Do you have a child with support needs and/or other accommodations that are needed to help them participate fully?
If you answered "Yes" or "Maybe" to the previous question, use this space to elaborate on your answer.
Should be Empty: