Once you have submitted this form and the form due date has passed, you will receive an email with an invoice for your total payment due. Payments may be made in the ELNS office or online using the link included in the invoice.
Early Arrival - 8-8:45 a.m. - $9.00 per day
Afternoon Explorers 12-1:30 p.m. - $11 per day
Afternoon Explorers w/ an enrichment class (enrollment verified) - $9 per day
After Lunch Learning (Mondays for Red & Yellow class students only) - $11 per Monday
Extended Stay - 1:30-2:30 p.m. - $10 per day
If you register for any optional programs
after the deadline passes, drop in rates will apply.
Drop in rates for all programs are the regular rate, plus $2.
The due date for December registration is December 23rd.
Afternoon Explorers Daily Themes
Movin’ Mondays – The children will get to do a variety of gross motor activities.
Artastic Tuesdays – The children will get to delve into some form of the arts and create to their hearts content.
Wiggle Wednesdays – There will be games galore to encourage children to practice their gross motor skills on Wiggle Wednesdays.
Scientific Thursdays – The children will get to participate in science experiments, explore nature, and delve into the world of STEM.
Foody Fridays – There will be cooking (and eating!) activities for the children to enjoy.
Fall Enrichment class Information
More information for all enrichment programs can be found on our web site at this link. https://epiphanylutherannurseryschool.com/enrichment-registration
After Lunch Learning - Mondays Noon-1:30 (Red & Yellow Class Students Only) Register below on this form.
Soccer Shots - Wednesdays 1-1:30 (Winter Season continues until Feb 5th)