Mailing List Form
Thank you for your interest in FBCG Homecoming 2025. We are excited about sharing this OC 5th Anniversary weekend with YOU. Please use this form add yourself to our email list. As information becomes available about the event, you'll be the first to learn about it!
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Where do you currently live?
In the United States
Outside the United States
Which state?
Which Country
May we contact you via text with event updates?
No thank you. Just email is fine.
Phone Number (be sure to select your country first, from the small dropdown with the flag).
Which best describes you?
Please Select
I am part of the Online Campus and want event and travel information.
I am part of the Maryland Campus, and I want information on how I can help with the event.
Maryland Campus family: select any area(s) which you would be willing to help.
Airport runner.
Providing lodging for OC family visiting from out of town (Lodging must include a private room for 1 or 2 guests. We will do a home survey.)
Hotel welcome and refreshment team.
Gift packing and/or distribution.
Event greeter.
Tour bus attendant.
Host or "buddy" for out of town guests (during weekend events).
Should be Empty: