At the present time Israel is in a state of war with Hamas and similar terrorist organizations. The Tour with Purpose will do its best to minimize risk during your time in Israel. By accepting you acknowledge that you have decided to enter Israel at a time of war.
The needs in Israel are vast but are changing rapidly. Shoresh will provide an itinerary roughly 1 week before each tour will begin.
Travel insurance is required to be purchased and in place prior to your departure from your home address. In addition to covering flight and luggage insurance, your insurance should provide coverage for health and injury. You are free to purchase from any reputable carrier. We are recommending Christian Insurance Services.
Tour with Purpose is a service tour. Each day you are expected to work with Jewish and Christian organizations. Work may include farm work, light lifting and other work of a physical nature. By accepting you are attesting that you are physically fit to perform what will be requested of you.
Persons who have not turned 18 on the date they will begin travel to Israel are not permitted to participate.
Persons over the age of 68 on the date they will begin travel to Israel must submit a letter from their physical attesting that they are capable physically of performing the work requested.
Persons are responsible for applying for tourist visas and are responsible for all costs. General information on travel to Israel can be found here: https://www.gov.il/en/service/group_entry_to_israel
To learn if a visa is required from your country please review here: https://www.gov.il/BlobFolder/reports/tourist-visa-table/en/2022_Foreign_Visa_to_Israel.pdf