In consideration of the confidence that is being placed in me as a trainee, I do hereby agree to perform my assigned duties to the very best of my ability and in accordance with the directions given by the Trainee Coordinators, Camp Coordinators and other Camp Staff. I am fully aware of the purpose and YMCA Day Camp - that it exists for the personal development of the children it serves. I realize my trainee responsibilities are designed to provide me the opportunities to develop leadership skills and acquire the knowledge which I will need to become a counselor.
In serving as a trainee, I understand I am a camper; therefore, I will not represent myself as a counselor to other campers, parents, or staff. As such, I pledge my support for and adherence to the following requirements:
Attitude: I promise to be loyal to the camp and to the Trainee Coordinators and I further agree to fulfill my responsibilities respectfully, cheerfully, and with a positive attitude. I realize that I must set a good example of behavior, attitude and personal appearance, and I will strive through my personal example to be a positive influence on the campers at all times. I fully appreciate that my attitude should be exemplary for young children and that my behavior should be a model of cooperation, dependability, consideration for others and support for staff and fellow trainees.
Personal Appearance: Neat appearance and good grooming, particularly in regard to clothes and hairstyle, are important in establishing confident relationships. Clothing should be clean, appropriate and in good taste. I will be held to staff image/clothing standards and issued TRAINEE shirts that will be worn every day at camp. On Wednesdays I will be expected to dress for the Wacky Wednesday Theme. I realize personal appearance is important in setting a good example.
Program: I understand as a trainee that I will participate in a clearly defined leadership program, which will include several training sessions each week, as well as on-the-job learning with my assigned counselors. I will make every effort to assist my counselors with management of the huddle and will, by my own example, try to be a good influence on the campers. I realize I cannot do my job without winning the confidence of the campers with congeniality, comradeship, helpfulness, and a winsome personality.
Concern for Campers: I realize that my responsibility will be to the campers and that I must put their welfare and interests before my own at all times. I also realize that I must win the respect and confidence of my campers by demonstrating fairness in all decisions and by communicating genuine interest and concern for each child.
Social Media/Phones: I understand that, if I choose to utilize social media, all information I publish on a blog or public website (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat etc) is accessible to the public. I will be mindful that the information I post on the internet will likely be seen by members of the Camp community. As such, YMCA Day Camp may withdraw my offer to be a trainee if I make posts that are contrary to the YMCA’s mission or are detrimental to my image. I also recognize that I am a camper and understand my cell phone will not be in use, unless given explicit permission from the Trainee Coordinators. If I need to contact my parents, I will use the camp phone at the Camp Office. I also understand that I am not to take photos nor post photos of the children at camp to ensure their safety and privacy.
By affixing my signature below, I give my word that I will put forth my best effort in my role as a trainee and that I will abide by the terms outlined in this contract as well as explained in camp literature.