Bursary Objectives:
- To increase the organizational capacity of clubs, enhancing their ability to build a positive sport culture, sustainable operation model, and quality athlete development pathways.
- To increase performance, retention, and recruitment of excellent coaches and athletes with enhanced club administrative practices, and revenue stream development.
Taking the Bursary Objectives into account, club applicants must submit a proposal addressing the following:
1. Why does your club hope to obtain the TOP Club Bursary to enhance organizational capacity? What are the needs you are seeing within your club in this area? What would you like to see?
2. How does your club intend to use the Bursary to enhance organizational capacity and meet the Objectives above? Please outline your strategy, deliverables, and budget to execute and monitor this up until August 2026.
3. Please describe the intended sustainability plan for the project after the Bursary has completed in August 2026.
The proposal should be at least 500 words (2 pages in length). The budget can be included or uploaded separately with the Template linked on the website.