The Keller BLOOM (Bigelow Laboratory Orders of Magnitude) Program provides students the opportunity to participate in marine science research with Bigelow Laboratory scientists. Activities include field sampling on a daylong research cruise, experiments and analysis using state-of-the-art instrumentation, and a presentation by students of their discoveries. Students also participate in formal and informal discussions on topics such as public policy and scientific ethics and attend a Marine Science Career Night, where they learn about undergraduate marine science programs in Maine, and related career possibilities. Students who participate in BLOOM will leave with a better understanding of marine science and be equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue a career in science.
Sixteen students are selected to participate. The Laboratory provides room and board – BLOOM participants live in dormitory housing on campus with chaperones and all meals are provided. There is no cost to participate in the program.
Selection Criteria
Applications will be evaluated based upon level of interest and communications skills as evidenced by your written application, and two letters of recommendation.
Letters of Recommendation
Please list the names of your recommenders on this form. Ask each recommender to submit their letter online. More information about where they should go can be found at Letters must be received by April 14th, 2025 for your application to be considered by our selection committee.
Who May Apply
Maine public, private, and home-schooled high school juniors are eligible to apply.
Applications must be submitted by April 14th, 2025. The Selection Committee will notify applicants whether they have been selected to participate or not by April 23rd, 2025.
Please email with any questions.
Bigelow Laboratory is a private, non-profit research institution incorporated in the State of Maine. Founded in 1974, the Laboratory is a leader in basic ocean science research. Studies range from the biology of the single celled plants (phytoplankton) that form the base of the food web to the functioning of complex ecosystems and the processes influencing global climate.